Wednesday, October 10, 2007

It's COLD!!!

Well it finally feels like fall, it's about time!!! Two days ago it was 90 degrees, today it's not even 50! I do enjoy the change, though it could have been a little more gradual. Oh well, begger's can't be chooser's. I finally feel like getting out the fall decorations and buying pumpkins. It stinks we have to BUY pumpkins. There is a huge field of them right by our house, I am sure a lot of people just go out and take them, but I guess we're more honest than that. I think the least our neighbors could do is let us go pick a few pumpkins since we've had to put up with them spreading hog crap on the field right behind us! Last year we grew our own, but this year we thought we'd try to grow a giant pumpkin, well, that didn't work out. They died in like July or August.

Anyway, I'm still sick and it's getting really annoying. I'm calling the doctor tomorrow. It's been a week since I've been there and I'm feeling worse if anything. Fortunately the boys still don't have it as bad as I do. Nathan seems to finally be getting over his cough somewhat and Matthew's hasn't turned into much but a runny nose. We can deal with that. I suppose that's enough whining. That really was not my intent when I decided to post. So anyways, to my faithful READER (aka: Chris) goodbye for now!


Christine said...

It did get freaking cold out!! We live really close to town so Megan and I usually walk up and get out mail. So I dressed Megan warm BUT once we were half way her little nose turned red!!! I'm bad.