Tuesday, December 18, 2007

The amazing power of God

As I was driving Nathan to school Monday morning, I got to thinking about the amazing things God can do.

It all started with seeing an airplane take off from the airport. I've never flown commercially, but I have been up twice with my step-grandpa who has a pilot's license. The airport in Sturgis is right by the road I drive down several times a week, but as I was going by yesterday, there was a small plane just taking off. I watched it rise into the air and begin it's journey, and for some reason, I couldn't help but think how awesome it is that God allowed us to create such a complicated machine.

Also, the day before we got a huge snowstorm. I was thinking about that too, and how He controls the weather and can make a gorgeous summer day or a stunning winter snowscape. He creates hurricane force winds and a gentle spring breeze. Only He can do all things.

He allows us to create and build and design things. He creates the weather. He created the world. He created us. He does it all! And to Him, we shall give thanks.

God’s voice is glorious in the thunder.We can’t even imagine the greatness of His power.
Job, 37:5