Friday, January 25, 2008

Joy in every task

Being a stay at home mom can be tough. I mean, some days are terrible and it feels like all I do is "chores": I do 7 loads of laundry, cook supper, sweep the floor, clean the kitchen, change diapers. But, isn't that why I stay home? I want to do those things. Sometimes I think I need to change my way of thinking and do them with a more joyful heart, and other times I am more than happy to do them. There are great rewards in every day though, whether it be something as simple as reading a book to Nathan or watching Matthew achieve a new milestone. Even cooking my family's favorite meal. It can get tough when I'm knee-deep in dirty diapers and dirty laundry, but this is what I always dreamed of, honest!
I read that a stay at home mom should make triple digits if they were to get paid for their work, but I'm happy with a hug and a kiss from my boys at the end of the day and an occasional, "the house looks nice today" or "good supper Mommy!"

Thou shalt rejoice before the Lord thy God in all that thou puttest thine hands unto.
Deuteronomy 12:18
There's no mistaking here, Lord-You've made it clear that I'm to be joyful in each and every task. This includes the things I enjoy, like baking cookies for my family, as well as the seemingly endless tasks of washing and folding laundry.
If I look at these chores with a proper attitude, I am reminded that each one truly is a blessing. You've given me my wonderful husband and beautiful children who make all this work necessary. You've also given me the strength and ability to accomplish these tasks. The next time I'm tempted to complain about the mounds of work, remind me to turn the murmuring into praise. I am a blessed woman indeed.
Taken from Prayers & Prmises for Moms