I've made resolutions in the past. Have I ever kept them? Not really. Well, maybe once or twice. But this year, I'm going to try it again, and the fact that I will have to update and be accountable to someone (even if only 2 people read my blog) I'm hoping will help me to kick it in gear and try a little harder this time. So here, in no particular order of importance, are my 2008 resolutions:
1. Lose weight. This is one I make every year, and I always fail. Usually I end up adding more weight! I'm trying to do it for different reasons this time though. My family has a lot of weight-related health issues that so far I've been fortunate to avoid, but it's only a matter of time. So this year in addition to eating healthier, I'd like to get some more excercise. Usually I set unrealistic goals, like lose 60 pounds in a year. That's definitely do-able, but probably not for me. My goal for this year is 30 pounds. It's not a ton, and I'll still have a lot to go, but it's a good start, and I'll be proud if I can accomplish that, and maybe more!
2. Be a better mother. I absolutely love staying home with my children, but I often find myself turning cartoons on for Nathan to keep him busy instead of getting down and actually playing with him or working on crafts or reading or something healthier for him. I always enjoy it when I do it, but sometimes the work of getting out paint and putting a mat down on the floor and changing his shirt just seems too much. These are the important times in a child's life, and I am the most important teacher. It's time I quit thinking about how I should be doing this for Nathan or that for Matthew, and actually do it!
Also, I need to work on my patience with them. Anyone who has been around Nathan for any length of time knows that he is very strong-willed and very stubborn. I sometimes lose my temper too easily with him and forget that he is only 4. On the other hand, sometimes I let him get away with too much and feel he is becoming spoiled. I need to find a nice balance in between and learn to be patient as I deal with him. Matthew as well, it's frustrating sometimes when he cries and I can't figure out what's wrong, but he's still a baby, and that's what babies do!
3. Be a better wife. I love Dustin with all my heart. He is a wonderful husband and a fantastic dad and he works so hard for us. But the sad thing is, I don't know that he knows I feel that way. I always nit pick at him, just because he doesn't do something the way I would do it, but I appreciate everything he does for us, even if it's not my way. I try to acknowledge that from time to time, but I don't know that he really understands. Sure, we tell each other we love each other every day, but usually it feels like we're just going through the motions. I need to do more to show him how much he means to me.
4. Be a better Christian. I need to live every day like it's Sunday. By that I mean, I need to remember the message I hear at church and apply it to my every day life. It's easy to get caught up in every day life and forget it's God who has given me this wonderful life in the first place. He needs to be the center of my life and be a part of everything I do, but I admit, sometimes that's not easy. I need to work on that.
5. Be a better friend/daughter/sister/etc. There are so many people out there who I love dearly and have lost touch with. There are many people who are very important to me and who have helped make me who I am. I have a hard time telling people how I feel about them, and that I love them and just assume they know, but after losing my grandpa last year, I guess I've learned not to wait until tomorrow to tell them, because tomorrow may never come. So I really need to work on telling people what they mean to me.
I think I can accomplish these goals. Some are certainly easier than others. I've got my mind set to do it this year, so I'm going to work my butt off (literally in some cases) and see what I can achieve. I'm going into this completely optimistic, which if you know me well is rather difficult for me. But I'll do it! Just wait and see!
10 years ago
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