Thursday, May 15, 2008

Where does it go???

Time, that is. It feels like only a month ago that I was preparing to send Nathan to pre-school for the first time, now here it is, one week until the end of the year. Wow. It's been a fun time for him and he has changed so much. I'm so glad I sent him, but also saddened because his pre-school is closing down after this year and now Matthew won't get to attend it in a few years. I struggled with what to do with Nathan and what school to put him in, but after the first day I just knew I'd made the right choice and still feel that way.

Anyways, the next week marks a busy and exciting one for us in regards to Nathan. Tomorrow he has a field trip to the fire station. He's been looking forward to this for awhile now, because like most little boys, he says he wants to be a firefighter when he grows up. Well, one day he does, the next he wants to be a doctor and the day after that a yellow crayon. Who knows?!? This Saturday he will be participating in the Michigan Week Parade by riding on his pre-school's float. (That I helped paint by the way, and it is going to be so adorable!) Then next Tuesday he has his Awana awards night which hopefully will be the first of many. I'm sure it will be because he can't wait until next year when he is a "Spark" not a "Cubby" though he has enjoyed being a Cubby a lot! Then Thursday is his pre-school graduation. I know they've been working on songs to sing and their going to do it in the sanctuary. It will be so cute, and I have a feeling with all his grandparents and great-grandparents that may come he will have quite a cheering section. Oh, then shortly after that, he starts t-ball practice. I am super excited about that, it's going to be hilarious to watch 4 and 5 year olds play t-ball!!!

Then after all that, Dustin has a vacation and we plan to go up north for a few days and possibly down to Indianapolis for a few days. It should be fun, other than the driving part. Driving anywhere with my children for more than an hour or so is enough to make the sanest and most patient person lose their mind, so that should be interesting.