First of all, I would totally not bribe Matthew with a promise of "riding the horsie" at Wal-Mart to get him to behave. Nope, not me. Somebody else might do that to their kids, but I would never do such a thing.
I would never hope my mom is feeling better from her surgery for my own selfish reasons of wanting to go shopping with her on Friday.
I would never dawdle at the grocery store when I don't have the kids with me so my husband can stay home with them and finish up the landscape project I'd started on the day before.
I would never get online to check my e-mail and post this blog when I should be putting laundry away and cleaning my house, no, never!
I never would end up cleaning my son's room part-way for him before he gets home from school because it takes him too long and he whines too much and it's just easier to do it myself. What kind of lesson would that teach him? I'd never do that!

I am so with you on cleaning up after the kids because it's easier and faster. Somedays, I just don't have the time and the patience to make them do it! Great Not me!
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