Friday, January 2, 2009


Things I'm looking forward to in 2009:
1. I'm finally going to take the plunge (literally and figuritively) and get baptized. It's something I've felt in my heart for a long time, I've just never done it, but now's the time. Look for more in the weeks/months to come.
2. My "little" boys will be 3 and 6 this year! How'd that happen? And if there is going to be a #3, we probably will be giving that some serious thought this year.
3. My niece Gracie will be a year old soon. I've had a great time watching her grow and can't believe how old she's getting!
4. I'd love to grow closer to my family and treat every moment with them as if it's my last.

There are many more things I plan on doing, but this is just a list of a few basics. Number one on my list is very important to me and I am looking forward to it with excitement. I can't wait to become closer to God and help to role model the life that I want my family to live.

I hope everyone had a great New Year's! Happy 2009!


Ang said...

I cant believe your kids are going to be 3 and 6!! ...I cant believe Abby is going to be one in March!! And Jake will be three and Jaden 5! Wow..time is flying by! We should get another playdate planned soon!

Jill Pagels said...

Time is flying by, that's for sure! We will have to get together for sure. Matthew's finally getting to where he wants to socialize (most of the time) with other kids.