Monday, February 23, 2009

Not Me Monday

Time for Not Me Monday! It's been awhile since I've done this, but I feel inspired after reading MckMama's. Mine aren't nearly as hysterical, but here goes:
I did not have to explain to Matthew that the freckle on my arm was indeed a freckle, not a nipple like he insisted. And I was oh-so-proud that my two year old knew the word nipple!
I did not have to clean spit up off the floor after Nathan played "the animal game". No, my 5 year old wouldn't spit on the floor when we told him to pretend to be a llama.
I did not allow my child to eat a cookie that he had decorated with an entire bottle of orange sprinkles.
Last but not least, I did not allow my son to walk around K-Mart in a new shoe on one foot we were thinking about buying and just a sock on the other foot. I wouldn't do that, I mean, the sign says "no shoes, no shirt, no service".
Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.


Ang said...

LOL. Too funny! :) Great post...I love the orange sprinkles! Sounds like something I would have done myself! :)

Ang said...

LOL. Too funny! :) Great post...I love the orange sprinkles! Sounds like something I would have done myself! :)