So everyone's heard of the terrible two's, but what about the terrible four's??? Nathan was absolutely terrible today! We were at my parent's house and my grandma and grandpa were there too. Nathan had been fairly whiney all day, but nothing that we couldn't deal with. We were getting ready to eat and it was about 6:30 and Nathan was being really loud. Not bad loud, just loud! My dad asked him to quiet down a little and he flew off the handle. I'd already warned him one more outburst and we were going home. So I told him to put his shoes on, this made him scream more, so I picked him up and started carrying him out. We got to the van and he decided he could calm down, so I took him back in to tell everyone he was sorry for the way he behaved and then we were going to go. But when we got inside, he went nuts again. So I was carrying him back out and he started kicking me!!! That was my last straw!
Okay, so here's what really gets me. Everyone comes out to the van and starts talking to him and telling him, "Oh, it's okay Nathan" and my mom dishes him up some supper to take home! Also, then he asked about some cookies they had bought for him and my mom sent my dad in the house to get them for him!!! When he's acting like a complete brat he should NOT get cookies!!! Needless to say, he did NOT get to eat the cookies tonight, thought I did let him eat his dinner. Now I know that grandparents are supposed to spoil their grandkids, but what about undermining my authority as a parent??? I was mad at Nathan already, like that helped any??? The good news though, it took Nathan about 2 minutes to cheer up. He saw a hot air balloon and thought it was cool, then he couldn't even remember what he'd been crying about!!!!
10 years ago