Monday, May 26, 2008

Memorial Day

I posted this last year on Memorial Day and thought I'd update it a bit. We weren't able to go to the cemetery this year because we were up north, but I felt the same way. This year Neil is in Iraq, he has been there for several months now. I think of him and pray for him often. I think today many of us feel what we should be feeling all year round: gratitude towards our troops. So make sure, when given the chance, to thank a soldier.

Tomorrow, as we have the past several Memorial Days, we will go to a cemetery in Nottawa. The little old man there will give the same speech as usual. The Centreville high school band will play the same slightly out of tune version of "The Star Spangled Banner". Afterwards, we will all gather at Dustin's grandparent's house and eat the same barbecued chicken, and probably even tell some of the stories we have all shared dozens of times. Though so many things will be the same, there will be one major difference. All those nameless, faceless soldiers we have all prayed for overseas will soon be one of our own. We'll be thinking about how glad we are to spend this time with Neil, and how proud we are of him, because in just a few short weeks he will be sent to Iraq to serve and protect our country. It's easy to forget why we celebrate Memorial Day. But this year, I hope we all remember to thank God and our military (past and present) for the freedom we have to celebrate the day as we wish, I know I will!