Saturday, June 21, 2008

T-ball Drama

When I came upstairs to write this, I was angry. Or maybe I was sad. I guess I don't know how I was feeling, and I guess I still don't. Let me give you a little background story to explain myself.

Nathan started playing t-ball last week. He's not exactly the most focused kid there is, nor the most athletic. I'm fine with that. I thought it would be fun for him to play and a good way to get some excercise, nothing too serious, you know. Nathan enjoys it, but doesn't pay a lot of attention to what's going on.

Nathan had his second game today, and seemed to have fun and even pay a little better attention than he had been. Overall, he did well. He came home and said he had fun. Good, that was the whole point after all. A couple hours later he said, "You know what Coach called me today?" and I said, "I have no idea, what?" and he answered, "the team irritator". It took a couple minutes for this to sink in, and I didn't want to press Nathan too hard for details and upset him. I don't know what context it was used in or even who exactly it was said to. My kid's a handful, I'll be the first one in line to admit that. I'll even admit he can be irritating and downright annoying at times. I mean, I can say it, but it doesn't give anybody else the right to, especially a grown man in that kind of position. It just doesn't seem right.

I want to point out that Nathan does not seem at all bothered by this, thank goodness. I asked him if it hurt his feelings and he said no. I'm not even sure he knows what it means. All I know is that coach is lucky he didn't hurt my son's feelings or there would be trouble! Like a mama bear and her cub, you hurt him, and your butt is mine!

I am the kind of person who avoids confrontation at all costs. I don't want to say I'm a pushover, but I tend to talk big, but always back down and let other people have their way. So now I'm at a loss for what to do. Do I confront the coach? I don't want to come across as a parent that's always butting in and being a jerk about stuff like that, but my kid's four! I just don't know. I really don't know how the comment was intended, but even so, in my opinion it should not have been made.

So now maybe my reference to being sad and angry makes a little more sense. I think this a situation that I need to pray about to help me figure out the best way to handle it. I don't know how to feel! I've dealt with the "So-and-so said they didn't want to be my friend anymore" but this is new territory to me. Like I said, I know my child isn't the easiest kid to deal with, but he's a kid, and no adult should EVER say something that could hurt his feelings like that!!!!