Monday, October 20, 2008

Pagel-isms: The Wal-Mart Edition

Some crazy things have come out of the mouths of my children while shopping. I mean, since we spend what seems like a ton of time at Wal-Mart, some amusing things are bound to happen. Here are the events that played out last night:

We were minding our business, strolling along, when a lady came by with a dog. She did not appear blind or handicapped to me, but the dog had on an assistance vest. Nathan asked me why she could bring her dog to the store and I told him it was a helper dog and explain how these kinds of dogs help people. Matthew apparently picked up on this explanation, because every time we'd turn an aisle and see this lady and her dog, he'd say, "helper dog, helper dog" somewhat like a parrot.

This next one is slightly more embarrassing! Matthew was sitting in the cart poking a loaf of bread. I asked him to please stop and Nathan started calling him a bread head. Okay, I can handle that, they were just being silly. We were just getting into the checkout line and I bent down and called Nathan a peanut butter head. His response? Yeah, well your an anus head! After I gasped in horror, he quickly tried to apologize for his poor judgement. He claims that's not what he meant to say, but never actually said what it was he meant. Oh, and by the way, he knows perfectly well what anus means.


Ang said...

HAHA! That is so funny. My boys are soooooo loud when we go to walmart...and most of their vocabulary has poop,butt, and pee in it...( I should have put that in a Not me monday..haha!)

Jill Pagels said...

I wanted to crawl under a rock and hide, but the lady in line in front of me was very gracious and pretended not to hear, though I'm sure she must have! BOYS!!!