I am not looking forward to Halloween and getting to dress up the boys and steal their Snickers and Reeses. Not me, I would never, ahem, steal candy from a baby (or a toddler or a kindergartner)!
I most certainly did not let my children go downstairs and play unsupervised Sunday morning so I could get a little more sleep.
I did not freak out when I saw a shriveled up dead mouse in the barn when I was helping clean it yesterday. That would be so unlike me, I am NOT afraid of mice or bats or anything of the sort!
Also, I will not be thinking about MckMama and Stellan this week.
Oh, and click the button if you do NOT want to find out more about Not Me Mondays!

LOL! Great Not-me Monday!
I love to go through the kids things & separte the chocolate from the candy.. then storing it away.. for later.. LOL!!
right there with ya!
Ha! I'm not planning to steal my kids' candy, either! Great Not Me's!
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