Monday, November 3, 2008

2008 Election-Why is this year so important?

Seriously, why is everyone making such a big deal about THIS election. I'm not saying it's not important to vote, in fact the point I want to make is quite the opposite. You should always vote! It's important EVERY year! I have voted in every presidential election since I've been 18, this will be my third, and several of the local and state elections as well. I believe it is every citizen's right, no, obligation, to vote if they want to have any voice or any say. Maybe if everyone that was eligible to vote in the last election had done so, our country wouldn't be in the state it is now, and people wouldn't be placing the future of America on one single day. It just frustrates me when people don't vote and then choose to complain about everything from the price of a gallon of gas to the war in Iraq. Basically, if you do not vote, you have no voice, if you have no voice, you have no right to complain. I mean, pretty much everything people argue about can be traced back to our government, and if you want to argue or complain, at least in my presence, you darn well better have voted and made your opinion heard. Even if your opinion is different than mine, that's fine, at least you care about your country enough to stand up and vote! Be thankful you have that right, I know I am!


Ang said...

I marked my page private...but I wanted to make sure you could still read it!! ( I think you are about the only one!! HAHA!) Anyways, whats your email address so I can let you view my page?

Jill Pagels said...

I've thought about marking mine private too. It's kind of scarey what kind of info prople can get off here!