Last week, I did NOT go racing outside after an ambulance went by right (in the opposite direction!) after Nathan got on the bus, just to make sure it wasn't him. I wouldn't do that, I don't worry about him like that! Also when I saw that it certainly wasn't him, I didn't ponder aloud how people can be so stupid and totally forget what the roads are like in the Michigan winter and how to drive in these conditions.
I did not develop a slight case of "Wii elbow" yesterday while playing it for the first time ever! And I didn't shamelessly brag when I beat everyone at bowling by a ton!
I am not loving looking out the window and seeing the beautiful snow falling.
And last but not least, I am not posting a "Not Me Monday" in an attempt to neglect my house-hold chores that are awaiting me as soon as I go downstairs.

I love your pretty background!
Yay for Christmas...I wrote you back on my blog :)!!
...I love kung poo panda too! Hi-ya! ( LOL)
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