First of all, I would like to say that I am proud to be alive today, and very proud to be an American. While I do not politically agree with President Obama (I'm definitely more of a Conservative) I am so thankful to be a part of history. Today something that is long overdue is finally happening. The dreams of millions of African Americans are being realized. I am more than willing to give our new president a chance, I believe he has the power to change our lives for the better. Let's face it, I personally have no idea what it feels like to be discriminated against. It sickens me to think that people would judge others simply on the color of their skin.
Nathan brought home this picture from school today:
He knew how we felt about the way the election turned out. He knew we supported John McCain. But I thought we needed to talk about what a momentous day he was witness to today and why. Apparently they talked some at school about it. He knew about Martin Luther King Jr. and told me he learned about how he drank from a drinking fountain for "white skinned people" only. Even Nathan, at five years old thinks it is absolutely absurd that people were (and unfortunately still are by some) deemed different or bad just because of their skin color. He has a couple cousins and a great uncle with "dark skin" (these are his words) and a couple of his closest friends have "dark skin" and soon a new uncle, too. While he's noticed their skin, he's never, ever thought of them any differently. Why can't we all be like five year olds this way?
Anyways, I would like to wish President Obama the best of luck. If nothing else, hopefully he can unite this country. On a side note, Michelle Obama looks beautiful tonight at the ball!
10 years ago
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