Nathan's first day of preschool:
Nathan's first day of kindergarten:
It's that time of the year again. I know I've said it the last two years, but this year I mean it as much as ever...I'm just not sure I'm ready for my baby to go! Preschool was hard for me, I mean that was the first time I'd ever really left Nathan somewhere for any significant amount of time. But of course he loved it, so I adjusted, and I was so happy for him to make new friends and learn new things. The year went quickly and he loved every minute of it!
Then kindergarten came, that was new and scary for me, but not for him!!! He was so excited to get on that big yellow bus (which you may remember forgot him that first day which cause a lot of tears) and head off to school for the whole morning. His teacher was awesome and the kids in his class were the best! He made all new friends and learned so much, including how to read! He amazed me at how much he learned and how eager he was to learn. It was another great year for him and I of course adjusted to him being gone every day, even if it was only a half day.
Now, we're on to first grade. YIKES! How did he get so old? How did I get so old? He has a few kids in his class from last year, and I'm comfortable with him riding the bus (but he doesn't want to anymore, it's "boring") and I love his school and am super excited about his teacher. I just don't want him to be gone all day! I know he's going to enjoy it, he's excited to eat lunch at school and about the fish tank in his classroom. I know he'll do fine, even though he's bound to be grumpy and tired when he gets home from such a long day.
So with tears in my eyes, I'll watch him get on that bus tomorrow morning. I'll put on a brave face so he doesn't know just how hard it is for me. I'll kiss him and tell him he'll do great and that there's nothing to worry about. But I'll worry every minute until he's back safely at home tomorrow afternoon. Then I'll probably do the same on Wednesday, I know it will get easier after awhile, but for now, it's just so hard to let go. But that's part of growing up, for both of us.
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