Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Preschool for Matthew
Posted by Jill Pagels at 9:59 PM 2 comments
Monday, September 7, 2009
School Time
Posted by Jill Pagels at 7:47 PM 0 comments
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Happy Birthday Dear Nathan!!!
Posted by Jill Pagels at 12:36 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Moving on...
I haven't really posted much this summer, and what I have posted has been a little, well, depressing, to say the least. For the first few days after Jana passed away, I just didn't know how I was going to go on. I didn't know if I'd be able to be the person I've always been. Or how I'd be able to be that person. A major part of my life was gone. The one person I could reminisce with and laugh with, who shared a major portion of my life with...gone. Gone before I even had a chance to say good-bye.
How does a person get over that? Well, they don't. I don't think I'll ever "get over it" but I will "get on with it." Life, that is.
And I don't think I will ever be the person I was before. I actually think in a lot of ways, I will be a better person because of it, because of the way Jana lived. All the things I admire in Jana are the things I need to get through this.
First and foremost...faith. Jana was very proud to be a Christian, as am I, but she was never afraid to tell people about it, and that's something I hope to be able to do a little better. Without my faith, and the promise of heaven I don't know how I would be able to cope.
Secondly, a can-do attitude. Jana wasn't afraid to try anything. I've always been much more cautious. But believing in myself and knowing, with time, this pain will begin to heal is something I really need.
Third, a sense of humor. Jana was always laughing and her laughter was contagious. She was always cracking jokes (often at the expense of "your momma") and lived life to the fullest. Those first few days when I thought I couldn't do anything I just remember thinking that I had to, for Jana's sake. She wouldn't want me, or anyone, sitting around feeling sad, but rather laughing at the memories we shared with her. And I've done just that. I've continued to live and make new memories. Some of them have been hard...she should have been involved in making some of those memories, and it just wasn't the same without her. But for the rest of us here, life goes on, and we should enjoy it.
There were many other things I admired about Jana, but these are the top three that have helped me. The way Jana lived makes her death easier to deal with. No wondering where she is now, or what she'd want from us. I do miss her, but we've continued to enjoy our summer as a family, exactly like I know she'd want us to. Thank you Jana, for all these lessons you're teaching me. And thank you for living life as you did, you are missed and loved.
Posted by Jill Pagels at 10:50 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
My summer loss
It's been a rough summer. At the end of May, my grandpa passed away. He had been sick for awhile and it was kind of a relief to know he was no longer in pain. June 8th, as we were getting ready for his funeral, Dustin's cell phone rang. Dustin was in the shower and I was upstairs getting my clothes around so we didn't even bother to answer it. When Dustin got around to checking his voice mail a little while later, it was Grammy (my mom's mom) and she sounded hysterical and told us it was an emergency and to call her right away. I figured it was car trouble or something else she was overreacting to, but I called her back right away.
The news that I got then is the worst news I have ever had...my sister had died. I didn't believe it, there was just no way. She'd been suffering from kidney stones, but otherwise was healthy. It just couldn't be!!! The rest of that afternoon was kind of a blur. I remember functioning only because I had to. Why me? Why now? We arranged for the boys to spend the night at Dustin's parents and went down to see Jana. The whole 2 hour-plus ride was pretty much silent. I wasn't sure I'd be able to go to the hospital and actually see her, I wasn't even sure I wanted to. But I'm glad I did. She looked very peaceful and very angelic. The week to follow was just so surreal. How could my 30-year-old just married sister pass away? But I dealt with it the best I could that week and have continued to do things as planned this summer. I know that's what she would want me to do.
Just as things were starting to get a little easier emotionally, God threw us another curve ball. Dustin's grandpa passed away July 3rd. Again, like my grandpa, this wasn't a complete surprise. He hadn't been in the best of health for a few years and had just found out he had cancer again. But still, any death is difficult, no matter the circumstances. I certainly never would have thought I'd be able to deal with three in about 6 weeks.
I've decided God must think I'm a lot stronger than I give myself credit for. I know He takes people from us for a reason, and while I may not understand that reason now, I will someday. I am getting by. It hasn't been easy for me, but we've been staying busy and trying to move on. So many people have offered so much kindness through all of this and I don't really know where to begin thanking them. So if you are reading this and you know of our hard time and have thought of us, prayed for us, sent us cards, made us dinner, watched the kids, or offered to do anything during this difficult time, please know that it is greatly appreciated.
Posted by Jill Pagels at 1:46 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Jana: Sister, Friend, Child of God

Posted by Jill Pagels at 10:28 PM 1 comments
Monday, May 25, 2009
Memorial Day
It wasn't until recently that I really started to "get" what Memorial Day really meant. Sure, I knew it was a day to honor and remember those who gave their lives for their country. But to me, as it is to many, it was just a much-needed day off of school and the kick-off to summer. Overall, it was always a fun weekend. But lately it has began to mean so much more. I don't know if it's simply because I'm older or because I've had a cousin (in-law) and some friends from high school who have served in Iraq and Afghanistan (whom all thankfully came home safe) but I've become a lot more patriotic over the last several years. Now I take the time to reflect on what the day truly means, and I'd like to thank everyone who has ever served for our great nation, I know you guys don't always get the respect you deserve, but you certainly have mine.
Posted by Jill Pagels at 7:25 AM 0 comments
Friday, May 22, 2009
Like Mother, Like Son
Posted by Jill Pagels at 11:27 AM 0 comments
Friday, April 24, 2009
Babies or Big Boys?
It dawned on me when I got a note home about some activities planned for Nathan's last day of school. I realized that was only a little over a month away. In just over a month I will have a first grader! How on earth did that happen? It seems like yesterday we brought him home from the hospital. How did my precious newborn turn into an almost-first-grader? I must have blinked and missed that.
My moment with Matthew came when I changed a dirty diaper yesterday and I realized that it was the first one I'd had to do in a couple weeks. He's a big boy! He doesn't need diaper changes very often because he doesn't wear diapers very often and when he does he usually keeps them clean and dry. I got a little sad when I realized my diaper changing days are almost over. Don't get me wrong, I'm ecstatic to not have to do that all the time, it's not the most pleasant job in the world, but it means my Matty is getting big.
I just don't know how to feel about them growing up. One part of me is so excited to see the things they will do and the men they will become. But another part of me wants to keep them babies forever and ever. It's so bittersweet. I miss them being tiny cuddly newborns and the nervous and excited feeling of wondering what it would be like to raise them and if we'd be good parents. When Nathan was born I had zero experience with babies. I mean zero! I changed a diaper for the first time when I was seven months pregnant with him, it was a friend's baby, and I asked to do it just to make sure I would be able to figure it out when I had my own baby. Obviously I did manage to get it figured out. All those little things I wasn't sure I'd be able to do, I did. I remember everything being so frightening though. Would I be able to nurse them properly? Would I bathe them the right way? Would I know if they were crying because they were sick or hungry or tired or wet? I loved every minute of it, but it scared me none the less. But I did it. I know I didn't get everything right all the time, but I did it.
Posted by Jill Pagels at 8:36 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Can you believe it?
When I was trying to think of something to post about, I had a few thoughts. First, I thought maybe I would tell you that I was expecting another baby, then I thought maybe I'd tell you that Dustin and I are going through a hard time and are thinking about getting a divorce. Then I thought maybe I'd tell you that I won $28,000 in the lottery last weekend. If I were to tell you any of that though, would you believe me? If yes, check the date and think it over again.
But, what I am about to tell you actually did happen. Go ahead and sign me up for the "Mother of the Year" award right now. (Please note the sarcasm!)
This morning I decided to take Matthew to the library for story time. We don't get to go very often, because usually it's on Tuesdays while I am helping in Nathan's classroom. But today was special, it was Easter stories and an egg hunt. Matthew had a good time and didn't want to leave so I let him stay for quite awhile. My original plan was to go to the library, go grocery shopping and then pick Nathan up from school. Since we stayed so long at the library, I still had time for my shopping but knew I wouldn't get to the school on time so figured Nathan could just ride the bus home. Just as I was pulling out of the parking lot (with about a half hour to spare before the bus would be to our house) my cell phone rang. Nobody ever calls me on my cell, I answered it expecting it to be Dustin, but it was the school secretary. I think my heart dropped a mile. I was afraid something had happened. Well, something had happened.....Nathan didn't get on the bus because he thought I was picking him up! So I rushed to the school expecting to find Nathan scared or mad or both. But fortunately when I walked into the office he was looking at books and not a bit upset. Phew! I told him it was an April Fool's joke and he laughed. I thought he knew if he didn't see me to get on the bus, but since I hadn't specifically told him that this morning, he didn't know. Oh well, all's well that ends well.
And for the record, none of the things in the first paragraph are true. Sorry Tammy, no more grandbabies from me, at least not for awhile.
Posted by Jill Pagels at 1:25 PM 1 comments